Kanebo Evita White Gel with Vitamins C and E

¥3 039

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SKU: ZM324373
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Anti-Pigmentation
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 5 cm
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Kanebo Evita White Gel whitens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. A high concentration of vitamins C and E ensures quality skin regeneration. The gel eliminates hyperpigmentation and evens out skin tone. The product has antioxidant, leveling and smoothing effects. Hyaluronic acid, collagen and royal jelly extract trigger the process of skin renewal. The gel increases the level of epidermis moisturization and protects from drying out. The gel pleasantly refreshes and tones the skin. Does not contain fragrances and harmful synthetic components. Suitable for sensitive skin.

How to use: Apply in the morning on pre-cleaned skin after using lotion and allow to absorb.


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