Lissage Beaute Circurepair Bleaching Cream

¥21 187

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SKU: ZM006519
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Anti-Pigmentation
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 5 cm
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Product series

Lissage Beaute Circurepair Cream actively moisturizes the skin. It fights excessive dryness and flaking. The product effectively eliminates signs of aging. The skin looks significantly younger. Collagen enriches tissues at a deep level and from within restores the hydro-lipid balance. The cream copes with age pigmentation. It evens out the tone of the face and gives a healthy glow. The cream restores the skin after prolonged exposure to negative conditions. It relieves inflammation and irritation. After using the cream tightens the contour of the face. The skin becomes soft and elastic.

How to use: Apply a little on cleansed skin, spread until fully absorbed.


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