Kracie Naive Facial Cleansing Foam

¥1 004

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SKU: ZM745455
Brand: Kracie
Category: Cleansing
Weight with packaging: 180 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 14 cm
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Kracie Naive Facial Cleansing Foam with peach leaf extract for gentle cleansing. Suitable for all skin types. It has moisturizing properties. Gentle foam qualitatively cleanses the skin from everyday impurities. Refreshes the skin and gives a feeling of comfort. Peach leaf extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Makes the skin firm and smooth. The components of the foam stimulate the processes of cell regeneration and skin renewal. After using the product, the skin retains a fresh and healthy look for longer.

How to use: Squeeze a little product into the palm of your hand, lather well, add a little water and evenly apply to the entire surface of the face.


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