Kanebo Chicca Smooth Away Creamy Soap

¥7 577

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SKU: ZM748857
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Cleansing
Weight with packaging: 180 g
Dimensions: 3 × 5 × 14 cm
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Product series

Kanebo Chicca Smooth Away Creamy Soap gently cleanses and smooths the skin. Effectively removes the keratinized layer. Softens rough areas. Fills the epidermis with nutrients. Deeply cleanses pores, freeing them from excess sebum. Optimizes the functioning of sebaceous glands. Prevents the emergence of black spots. The product improves skin elasticity and color. The product heals minor injuries and makes the surface smooth. The soap contains squalane. It fills the skin with moisture and protects it from drying out. The soap does not cause a feeling of tightness. The skin becomes soft and silky.

How to use: Apply a little product to moisturized skin, lather, spread lightly over the entire surface, rinse thoroughly.


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