DEW Superior Cleansing Cream

¥6 067

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SKU: ZM360632
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Cleansing
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 6 cm
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DEW Superior Cleansing Cream with its soft, gentle texture gently cleanses the face from cosmetics and all kinds of impurities. It is easy to apply, adheres tightly to the skin and penetrates deeply into the pores for effective cleansing. The cream has a pleasant light fragrance that makes the washing process comfortable. After using the cream, the face becomes fresh and radiant with health. Even complexion and clean skin – the glow of youth. The cream does not contain abrasive particles or aggressive components, so it can be used on sensitive skin.

How to use: in a dry palm take about 2.5 cm of cream and gently spread over the face in an even layer and leave for a while, then rinse the face with warm water and wipe thoroughly with a paper towel.


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