Sana Nameraka Isoflavone Q10 Isoflavone Q10 Milk Lotion Moisturizing Milk

¥1 764

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SKU: ZM834323
Brand: SANA
Category: Lotions
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 15 cm
Scope150 ml

Sana Nameraka Isoflavone Q10 Milk Lotion contains a high concentration of encapsulated coenzyme Q10. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect and prevents aging, smooths and tightens the skin. The milk tones and refreshes the skin. Soy isoflavones take care of maintaining an optimal level of moisturization, increase skin elasticity and firmness, remove wrinkles and revitalize the skin. The milk has a light and delicate consistency. It does not contain harmful synthetic components and fragrances. It can be used in case of skin hypersensitivity.

How to use: apply a small amount of milk after applying lotion or cleansing the skin.


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