Anti-aging lotion Kinka Gold Nano Lotion N

¥4 368

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SKU: ZM260293
Brand: KINKA
Category: Lotions
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 4 × 4 × 16 cm
Scope180 ml
Product series

Gold Nano Lotion N for the daily care of age-defying skin.

The lotion intensively nourishes the skin with moisturizing and valuable revitalizing components. These components stimulate regeneration processes in the dermis, increase the skin’s moisture level and give it a natural radiance.

The use of Gold Nano Lotion N serves as a prevention of sagging, returns softness and freshness to the skin. The lotion contains soy polypeptides, which saturate the skin with energy and normalize the water balance. Placenta extract, collagen and hyaluronic acid strengthen the epidermis structure, smooth its texture and pleasantly refresh.

How to use: apply to pre-cleansed skin in the morning and evening.


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