¥10 454

Moisturizing smoothing mask.

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SKU: ZM577745
Brand: SUQQU
Category: Masks
Weight with packaging: 120 g
Dimensions: 4 × 5 × 13 cm
Weight of goods

MOISTURE RICH MASK moisturizes the skin and smoothes fine lines. The gel has a delicate and pleasant consistency. It lies tightly on the skin to nourish it with useful vitamins and minerals. It has a fragrance of rose, jasmine and iris. The gel penetrates deep into the pores and rejuvenates the skin from within. When the mask is used on tired skin, after the first application, the relief of redness, inflammation and dullness is noticeable. The skin is soothed and saturated with nutrients. The product deeply moisturizes and gives instant visible results. After using the mask, the skin glows with health.


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