Kracie Hadabisei Facial Wash Acne Care Foaming Wash

¥1 984

Therapeutic foam against acne in adults.

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SKU: ZM221502
Brand: Kracie
Category: For acne
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 5 × 5 × 12 cm
Weight of goods

Foam for washing in gel form for problem skin in adults. Effectively cleanses the skin without damaging its barrier function.

Foam for skin prone to inflammation has a gentle and effective combination of ingredients. Glycyrrhizin and isopropyl methylphenol (isomer of thymol, the active ingredient of chamomile) have bactericidal action, collagen moisturizes and counteracts dehydration. Vitamin C, extracts of kiwi, lemon, hops and oolong tea tone, astringent and purify the upper stratum corneum.

The foam is hypoallergenic.

How to use: on a wet face, apply a small amount of foam (2-3 presses) and gently massage. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.


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