KaneboTwany Century Revitalizing Serum The Serum

¥43 712

With the delicate fragrance of Egyptian lotus.

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SKU: ZM841870
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Serums
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 4 × 4 × 11 cm
Weight of goods
Product series

Twany Century Serum cares for the health and beauty of your skin, revitalizes it and deeply moisturizes it.

The serum maintains the pH level. Gamma-amino acid is one of the main components of the serum: it effectively rejuvenates and tones the skin, repairs minor damage, softens. Hydrolyzed silk is rich in proteins, improves skin texture, evens out the complexion, improves elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates sagging. Extracts of camellia, seaweed, tea, Rhodomirt and sambuca comprehensively treat the skin and normalize its condition.

The serum makes the skin radiant and gives a healthy glow.

How to use: Apply a little of the product on the skin, spread a homogeneous layer.


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