DHC Moresque Ureteral Complex

¥2 742

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SKU: ZM202277
Brand: DHC
Category: For the genitourinary system
Weight with packaging: 70 g
Dimensions: 2 × 8 × 15 cm

DHC Moresque Complex contains extracts of pumpkin seeds and mustard seed for effective elimination of urethral problems. Natural preparation contributes to the rapid normalization of the state of the body. It has a tonic effect. Pumpkin seed extract has many positive properties and a rich composition. Contains valuable substances for the body – protein, fiber, iron, copper, phosphorus, arginine, calcium. The complex prevents the development of prostate diseases in men and supports healthy work of the genitourinary system. Means increases immunity and takes care of the health of the liver and stomach. Positively affects the digestive organs and the heart. Has antidiabetic and anthelmintic properties. The complex helps to quickly cope with urethral problems and restore self-confidence.

How to use: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Ingredients: Pumpkin seed extract – 550 mg, mustard extract – 35 mg, astaxanthin – 0.5 mg, lycopene – 0.5 mg, vitamin E – 5 mg, gelatin, glycerin.


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