Black Maca Complex Noguchi Black Maca EX

¥3 734

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SKU: ZM908431
Brand: Noguchi
Category: For the cardiovascular system
Weight with packaging: 200 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 10 cm

Noguchi Black Maca EX complex with black maca revitalizes the whole body. Maca is a rich source of vitamins B, E and E, iodine, potassium, selenium, valuable amino acids and fatty acids. Maca extract strengthens the immune system, serves as a preventive measure against cancer, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. The reception of Maca is recommended to regulate the hormonal background, with stress and depression. Complex effectively normalizes the menstrual cycle in women and increases sexual desire in both sexes. Additionally, the complex is enriched with zinc, niacin, pantothenic acid and B vitamins for better absorption of individual components.

How to use: 2 capsules a day.

Ingredients: Corn starch, black maca Peruvian extract, dextrin, L-ornithine hydrochloride, ginseng powder, guarana powder, Narukoyuri powder, gaukurua powder, zinc containing yeast, eleutherococcus powder, turtle powder, red Gaukurua powder, Eurycoma longifolia powder, Muir Puama bark extract, gelatin, L-arginine, caffeine, stearic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, caramel coloring, vitamin B12.


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