Massage Cream Kanebo DEW Superior EX Massage Finalizer

¥13 172

Refreshing and whitening massage cream.

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SKU: ZM755478
Brand: Kanebo
Category: Creams
Weight with packaging: 180 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 12 cm
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Kanebo DEW Superior EX Massage Finalizer is designed for facial massage. Application of this cream will help to restore elasticity, cope with dullness, saturate the skin with energy, even out the texture and color.

The cream revitalizes the skin in a comprehensive way, perfectly refreshes and returns softness. The combination of such components as collagen, royal jelly extracts and many other natural plant components nourish the skin with all known vitamins and minerals, replenishing their deficiency in the dermis.

When the cream is used to massage the skin several times a week, it has a pronounced lifting and brightening effect.

How to use: Apply to cleansed skin and massage it with fingertips. After the cream to use lotion or milk.


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