Shiseido Essential Energy Moisturizing Cream Creme Hydratante Facial Cream

¥10 521

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SKU: ZM510354
Brand: Shiseido
Category: Creams
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 6 cm
Weight of goods
Product series

A soft cream with a silky texture that immediately changes your skin, energizing it.
The Essential Energy line opens a new direction in cosmetology – approaching skin beauty through neuroscience, which studies the connection between the skin and the brain.
RENEURA’s new technology, containing activating microspherical particles, reboots your skin to increase its sensitivity to the skincare products you apply, as well as provide it with radiance, hydration and energy.

How to use: Take a small amount of cream on your fingertips and spread it over your cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Massage the cream from the center to the sides.


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