Rohto Kojihada Moisturizing Face Cream

¥5 332

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SKU: ZM517103
Brand: Rohto
Category: Creams
Weight with packaging: 150 g
Dimensions: 7 × 7 × 7 cm
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Product series

Rohto Kojihada fermented rice cream is a great product for daily skin care.

Fermented rice is an excellent skin moisturizer and cleanser. After using the cream, the skin is filled with moisture and energy, and the face becomes visually clearer. The tone is visibly brightened. Thanks to intensive moisturizing, epidermal cells regenerate faster, the skin surface is smoothed and becomes firmer, more elastic and velvety to the touch.

The cream is safe and hypoallergenic, suitable for use at any age.

The cream has a pleasant consistency and has no odor. After application it does not leave greasy and sticky spots on the skin.

How to use: Immediately after washing, take a little cream in the palm of your hand and spread evenly over the entire surface of the face, focusing on the cheeks, forehead, chin and nose. Lightly massage the skin with the palms of your hands and allow to absorb. The cream is not sticky, so it can be used for hands or to moisturize rough skin on joints.


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