Asahi Dear-Natura Sardine Peptide

¥2 186

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SKU: ZM855889
Brand: Asahi
Category: For the cardiovascular system
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 12 cm
Product series

Asahi Dear-Natura Gold Sarden Peptide complex based on sardine peptide to normalize blood pressure. The product minimizes the likelihood of sudden pressure fluctuations and improves overall health. The preparation guarantees reliable support for blood vessels and preservation of their elasticity. Sardine peptide narrows blood vessels, strengthens the walls and slows down degenerative processes. Taking the drug will help you forget about headaches and dizziness. Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Ensures the normal functioning of the brain. The complex improves well-being and makes the body more resilient.

How to use: 2 capsules every day.

Ingredients: Sardine peptide (in the form of valyl-tyrosine) 400 mcg.


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