Meiji Premium Amino Collagen Liquid Amino Collagen

¥4 502

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SKU: ZM507586
Brand: Meiji
Category: Collagen
Weight with packaging: 700 g
Dimensions: 6 × 13 × 10 cm

Meiji Premium Liquid Amino Collagen in drink form effectively eliminates wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. Collagen will also restore shine to hair and strengthen nails. Collagen is the main component of the connective tissue of tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones and skin. It strengthens the body’s musculoskeletal system and reduces pain. Fish collagen peptide is presented in combination with hyaluronic acid, ceramides with the addition of coenzyme Q10, and 8 beauty elements including long pepper extract. The complex helps to strengthen the entire body. Pomegranate flavored drink.

How to use: 1 bottle a day, regardless of meals.

Ingredients (1 bottle): energy value – 31 kcal, proteins – 5.4 g, carbohydrates – 2.4 g., hyaluronic acid – 30 mg, ceramides – 1800 mcg, coenzyme Q10 – 30 mg, fish collagen peptide – 5000 mg, sodium – 20 mg, arginine – 450 mg, glucosamine – 60 mg, vitamin C – 100 mg, long pepper tip extract – 30 mg.


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