Protein Active Protein Aqua-Pro

¥1 800

Soy protein and 8 kinds of vitamins.

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SKU: ZM095984
Category: For the musculoskeletal system
Weight with packaging: 320 g
Dimensions: 4 × 10 × 18 cm
Weight of goods

Orihiro Active Protein Aqua-Pro provides your body with proper support during intense exercise.

Protein is an essential part of muscle tissue, skin, hair and nails. It is essential for maintaining good body condition for those who lead an active lifestyle. The components included in the preparation help to increase the tone of the musculature, supports its elasticity and elasticity. The supplement increases performance and endurance, fills the body with energy and strength. Vitamin C provides antioxidant effect, strengthens immunity, neutralizes the action of free radicals, carries out the prevention of cancer. B vitamins improve the functioning of the brain, improve the nervous system, promote better conduction of nerve fibers, increase energy and efficiency.

Active Protein Aqua-Pro helps to gain the necessary muscle mass quickly, as well as to get rid of excess weight and improve appearance.

Directions for use: 20 g (2 tablespoons) dissolve in water or milk and take daily once a day.

Composition: 73 kcal, protein – 13.6 g, lipid – 0 to 1 g, carbohydrates – 4 g, the amount of salt equivalent – 0.3 to 0.8 g, vitamin B1 – 2 mg, vitamin B2 – 0.6 mg, niacin – 7 mg, vitamin B6 – 0.8 mg, folic acid – 200 mcg, vitamin B12 – 3.8 mcg, pantothenic acid – 2.6 mg, vitamin C – 20 mg, citric acid – 200 mg.


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