Soy Isoflavones Nature Made Soy Isoflavone

¥2 323

Soy isoflavones to normalize the hormonal background.

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SKU: ZM400706
Brand: Nature Made
Category: For women
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 6 × 6 × 10 cm

Nature Made Soy Isoflavone to support and normalize female hormonal balance. Soy isoflavone is a natural estrogen that can slow down the aging of the female body, alleviate menopause in women. The level of estrogen affects the aging process, the development of cancer, the cardiovascular system. Therefore, a decrease in their amount can serve as an impetus to accelerate the formation of these undesirable changes.

Soy isoflavones contained in Nature Made Soy Isoflavone are very similar in structure to female estrogen, which is produced by the ovaries. As ovarian function declines with age, this leads to a decrease in estrogen production. The result is a disruption in hormonal balance. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to include herbal body support products in your daily intake starting at the age of 35.

Nature Made Nature Made Soy Isoflavone supplement relieves anxiety, improves sleep, reduces cholesterol and controls weight, reduces breast pain, improves hair, nails and skin.

Directions for use: 1 tablet a day.

Ingredients: soy isoflavone – 25 mg., lactose, soy isoflavones extract, cellulose, sucrose and fatty acid ester, silicon oxide.

Manufacturer: Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.


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