Complex with ginger and black vinegar DHC ginger and black vinegar

¥2 587

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SKU: ZM153017
Brand: DHC
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 3 × 8 × 15 cm

Complex with ginger and black vinegar DHC ginger and black vinegar stimulates energy metabolism – will strengthen the immune system and give strength. Ginger contains galanolactone. It is a powerful stimulant of energy metabolism and serotonin production. Serotonin calms the nerves and promotes sound sleep. Ginger is used as a warming agent. But it is an excellent blood thinner and improves cerebral circulation. Ginger is an excellent antioxidant and fat-burning agent. Complex will improve digestion and strengthen the liver. Black vinegar contains 20 different amino acids, 16 organic acids, calcium, manganese, potassium, zinc, vitamins D, C, PP, E and H. It promotes energy production, stimulates regeneration. It also has antiseptic properties and strengthens immunity.

Ingredients (daily dose): ginger root extract – 120 mg, ginger root powder – 120 mg, in them oils – 3.6 mg, galanolactone – 0.04 mg, black vinegar 30-fold concentration – 120 mg, olive oil, esters of fatty acids and glycerin, beeswax, gelatin, glycerin.

How to use: 1 tablet 2 times a day after meals.


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