Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Oildel Medicine For Constipation

¥1 601

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SKU: ZM932351
Brand: Kobayashi
Category: For the gastrointestinal tract
Weight with packaging: 50 g
Dimensions: 2 × 10 × 7 cm

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Oildel Medicine For Constipation is a complex of natural ingredients to normalize bowel function. The drug quickly eliminates the problem of constipation and its symptoms. Relieves intestinal irritation, abdominal bloating, loss of appetite or exacerbation of hemorrhoids. The active ingredient is sodium dioctyl sulfosuccinate. It effectively copes with chronic constipation, not associated with diseases of the large intestine. The component restores intestinal function. The drug saturates with moisture and softens the fecal masses for a speedy and painless excretion. Oily components allow you to cope with severe constipation within an hour. The remedy is completely natural.

How to use: 3-4 capsules 2 times a day.

Ingredients: sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate 200 mg, plant extracts 1000 mg.

For persons over 15 years of age. It is not recommended to use for more than 7 days.


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