Calcium and vitamin D Orihiro Ca+D

¥2 259

Calcium and vitamin D in the form of yogurt-flavored chewable tablets.

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SKU: ZM503697
Category: Vitamins
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 8 × 8 × 12 cm

Orihiro Ca+D chewable tablets replenish calcium deficiency in the body, and the presence of vitamin D in the composition will prevent its leaching. Calcium is essential for the formation of teeth and bones. It is essential for cellular structures, nerve processes, muscle contraction and the production of essential hormones. Nerve impulses can be normally transmitted thanks to calcium – it is necessary for the balance of excitation and inhibition in the brain. The main element of bone tissue is also calcium – therefore, in case of its deficiency in old and senile age, osteoporosis may develop. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children during the period of active growth need more calcium. Stable heart function, nervous system function and normal blood clotting depend on calcium. The enamel of the teeth will be fine, if immediately after their eruption in the child’s body enough calcium.

Ingredients: calcium (260 mg), vitamin D (5 mcg).

How to use: 2 tablets daily.


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