DHC Good Through healthy bowel preparation

¥2 500

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SKU: L106
Brand: DHC
Category: Dietary and Nutritional Supplements, For the gastrointestinal tract
Weight with packaging: 220 g
Dimensions: 4 × 10 × 14 cm
Weight of goods

Complex for normalization of intestinal function DHC Good Through based on bifidobacteria (lactulose, lactoferrin). Contains vegetable dietary fiber, chitosan and fermented cane sugar. Normalizes intestinal function and cleanses from toxins.

Content of active ingredients in a daily dose (1 sachet): oligosaccharide lactulose 160 mg, chitosan 120 mg, fermented bagasse 120 mg, lactoferrin 10 mg, bifidobacteria 1.6 billion.

Yogurt flavor.

How to use: 1 sachet of powder per day.


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