Meiji MACADAMIA Chocolate Covered Walnut


Macadamia nut chocolates.

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SKU: ZM694707
Brand: Meiji
Category: Sweets
Weight with packaging: 100 g
Dimensions: 5 × 17 × 12 cm
Weight of goods

There are 9 candies in the box and each candy contains one whole macadamia nut and another half, in milk chocolate.
Macadamia nuts are a record-breaker among nuts in terms of nutritional value, flavor and calories. They are able to eliminate cholesterol from the body, they have a high content of potassium, copper and B vitamins. The candies are created exclusively from high quality cocoa beans, cocoa butter and live cream.

Such a delicacy will go well with your morning coffee. It is believed that this beverage tones down the flavor of macadamia.


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