Orbis Clear Body Smooth Lotion Oil Cut Body Lotion

¥2 195

Lotion for acne and rash prone skin.

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SKU: ZM160991
Brand: ORBIS
Category: Lotions and Creams
Weight with packaging: 250 g
Dimensions: 4 × 6 × 16 cm
Scope215 ml

Orbis Clear Body Lotion gets rid of acne and inflammation. The lotion prevents irritations and allergies, as well as flaking. It reduces pain and itching in inflammatory skin processes. It smooths the surface and moisturizes the skin. Does not cause a feeling of greasiness and heaviness. Does not leave a sticky feeling. Contains peony extract, which disinfects the skin surface and produces antioxidant effect, as well as helps to retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis. The lotion strengthens the general immunity of the skin and supports its barrier function. Using the lotion provides free circulation of oxygen and the skin begins to breathe. It contains menthol, which cools the skin and helps to keep it fresh and light.

How to use: Apply a little product to clean skin, gently spread over the skin until fully absorbed.


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